Privacy statement The King's School

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Business Apps BV, a company registered in the Netherlands with registration number 58330291, located at Veemarktkade 8, 5222 AE, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, along with its subsidiaries, divisions, and affiliates, understands the importance of protecting your privacy when you use our app.

This privacy statement informs you about the information that the provider, Business Apps B.V., and the app admin, The King's School, collect, how the information is used, and how you can access and correct certain information that we may collect. It also explains how personal data is requested in our products, how it is collected, and for what purposes it is needed.

By voluntarily submitting your personal data, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as described in this privacy statement. In certain circumstances, Business Apps may share personal information that you voluntarily provide with trusted business partners. We will use such external business partners solely to provide services to or on behalf of us, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

Due to the existing legal, regulatory, and security environment, Business Apps may be required under certain circumstances to provide aggregated information and/or personally identifiable information provided to Business Apps through the site.

Business Apps will make reasonable efforts to limit such disclosures to the following circumstances: (i) when Business Apps in good faith believes it is required to do so in response to a subpoena or other legal process; (ii) if reasonably required to do so to maintain, update, or otherwise implement Business Apps' data security measures, equipment, technical operations, and the like; (iii) if reasonably necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against persons or entities to preserve and/or enforce the rights of Business Apps, including but not limited to enforcing the Terms of Use for this app; (iv) to protect and defend the rights or property of Business Apps; or (v) in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of the public or users of the Business Apps products, services, and the site.

Your information may be transferred to and maintained on computers and/or servers located outside the Netherlands and/or the EU where data protection laws may differ. We strive to ensure that even when your personal data is processed outside the EU, it is processed legally and carefully outside the EU. Additionally, Business Apps may also disclose personal information in connection with the sale, transfer, or other transfer of the Business Apps business or a portion thereof, or as part of a security audit.

Protection of your personal data
Business Apps makes significant efforts to protect the confidentiality of the personal information, preferences, and other information collected through this site and will never knowingly provide access to this information to anyone outside of Business Apps other than as described herein. You must also do your part to protect your information. Your Business Apps username and any password (if provided or entered) are confidential, and we recommend that you do not disclose them to anyone. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the internet as a public transmission network, neither the Business Apps network nor data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

Consequently, while we strive to protect personal information transmitted to us, Business Apps cannot guarantee the security of such information. Any personal information transmitted to us is done at your own risk.

Once we receive personal information, Business Apps makes significant efforts to protect the confidentiality of that information in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

App Privacy Policy

Through the app provided by Business Apps B.V., privacy-sensitive data or personal data is processed.

Business Apps B.V. guarantees, as far as possible, the protection of the privacy of all users of the services of Business Apps B.V. This means that we also require maximum efforts from our partners in protecting personal data.

Below you can read which personal data we process, what we do with this personal data, and within what legal framework this occurs. In our processing, we comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Business Apps B.V. is the processor on behalf of the app customer. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data is collected and used and for what purpose.

We collect data in the following ways:

Data you provide to us for using our services
By using our app, you leave certain data with us. These can be personal data. We only store and use the personal data that are provided by the users of the app and only for our services. The customer of the app may share personal data, such as photos or texts, about themselves or a user with others.

The customer decides what is shared. All data shared in content by the customer is visible to all users. If the data is shared within a protected section of the app, the data is only shared with the users who have access to the protected section.

Although the apps from Business Apps B.V. are protected against takeover, it is always conceivable that people still copy photos or texts and reuse them elsewhere. Neither Business Apps B.V. nor the customer has any influence over this.

Description and listing of categories of personal data used:

Personal data
This concerns data created by the customer as content or imported. An example of this is a photo or personal data needed to create a personal communication tool with users. The following data may also be recorded:

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • First name + Last name

The retention period of this personal data is up to 3 months after the termination of the agreement.

Data we receive based on your use of our services
We collect data about the services you use and how you use them, such as when you log into the CMS or when a user starts your app. For example, we also track which parts of the app are used.

Device data
When using the app, we track data such as:

  • OS version, system, etc.
  • Device type

Log file data
When you use our services, certain data is automatically collected and stored in server log files.

  • ID+Name of the app
  • ID+Name of the visited page
  • Time
  • Device + OS

IP address
The processor logs CMS usage data. For each action, the IP address from which the action takes place is logged.

Use of forms
Through the app, it is possible to send forms containing personal data. Saving these forms in the CMS is a choice of the customer.

How we use data
First, it is important to mention that Business Apps does not use or provide the content or data entered by you to third parties in any way. Business Apps securely stores the content and only facilitates communication to and from the app or CMS.

It may be that the customer has asked Business Apps to establish a data connection with a third party. Even when using third parties, the received or sent data is never stored.

If the customer uses the Business Apps lesson reservation system or personal inbox, it is necessary to store personal data of users in our system. We use these data to ensure that users can log in. Business Apps uses this personal data only for this application.

The log files of the app usage are collected to compile usage statistics. These usage statistics provide insight into the use of the app to ultimately optimize the user-friendliness of the app.

Android and iOS have permissions grouped. Where you previously gave permission to download the app, you will now be asked in the app to grant permission when the permissions are needed.

What do we use these permissions for:

Permission Use in app
Phone Required to retrieve the phone's identification number. This allows us to send push notifications to the respective phone.
Storage/Camera In some forms in the app, we offer the possibility to add photos. To make this possible, the app must access the phone's storage or camera to select the photo.
Calendar Event components offer the possibility to save an event in the phone's calendar functionality. The app must have access to the calendar component for this.

Data security
For Business Apps, security is a very important aspect that we continuously monitor.

  • We encrypt services with SSL.
  • All our data is transmitted encrypted.
  • If we do not need to store data, we will not do so.
  • Business Apps employees only have access to systems necessary to perform their functions.
  • Access passwords are periodically changed by requirement.
  • We use the most modern cloud services to protect your data.

Changes to this privacy statement
Business Apps B.V. reserves the right to make changes to this statement when the platform is updated.

Contact us
Business Apps welcomes questions or comments about this privacy statement. If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Statement or if you want to change or terminate information or communications you receive in accordance with this Privacy Statement, please contact us via the 'Contact' section of this page.